살을찌우는시야 64

[식품법]많은 양의 설탕 음료 금지에 대한 반항과 준비

Preparation and Vows of Defiance as Big Sugary Drink Ban Is Set to StartBy VIVIAN YEEPublished: March 10, 2013 http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/11/nyregion/as-some-prepare-for-bloombergs-large-sugary-drink-ban-others-vow-defiance.html With one day to go before Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s ban on large sugary drinks goes into effect across the city, some big-drink lovers, and the places that serve ..

[마케팅]이케아, 호텔과 도시를 포함하고 있는 왕국으로 확장하고 있다

MarketingIkea's Expanding Empire Includes Hotels and CitiesBy Caroline Winter on March 06, 2013 http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-03-06/ikeas-expanding-empire-includes-hotels-and-cities#r=nav-r-story Ikea is world famous for its stylish-yet-affordable prefab furniture. What many people don’t realize is that the ubiquitous retailer is but one branch of the Inter Ikea Group’s ever-expandin..

[경영]고객들은 당신의 판매 전화에 돈을 지불하는가?

Would Customers Pay for Your Sales Calls?by Scott Edinger | 11:00 AM March 5, 2013 http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2013/03/would_customers_pay_for_your_sales_calls.html When I speak to audiences of sales professionals and ask, "How many of you sell value versus price?" everyone raises their hand. But my next question "So how do you do that?" is frequently followed by an uncomfortable silence. Many consi..

[경영]비영리 활동은 핵심 인재를 위한 경쟁이 필요하다

Nonprofits Need to Compete for Top Talentby Gerald Chertavian | 10:00 AM March 1, 2013 http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2013/03/nonprofits_need_to_compete_for.html The nonprofit sector is facing a massive talent shortage, which makes scaling a social enterprise extraordinarily difficult. To achieve impact, it's critical that social entrepreneurs attract, retain, and develop skilled talent. Competing dire..

[외식업]치즈케이크 팩토리, 세계 지배에 더 가까이 움직이다

Cheesecake Factory inches closer to world dominationFebruary 22, 2013: 11:49 AM ET The restaurant chain recently announced plans to open a minimum of 12 Cheesecake Factories in Latin America. Up next: Asia?By Beth Kowitt, writer http://management.fortune.cnn.com/2013/02/22/cheesecake-factory-global-expansion/ FORTUNE -- The Cheesecake Factory moved closer to transforming itself into a global bra..