비즈니스 8

[식품]비즈니스 스쿨 신기업 : 커피 찌꺼기를 식품으로 바꾸기

Finding a JobB-School Startup: Turning Coffee Grounds Into Food http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-03-26/b-school-startup-turning-coffee-grounds-into-food#r=hpt-ls When two Berkeley college seniors attempted to make money by growing mushrooms at a fraternity house in 2009, they got airtime on several national talk shows. ”When anybody says you’re growing mushrooms at a fraternity … you’re..

[경영]고객들은 당신의 판매 전화에 돈을 지불하는가?

Would Customers Pay for Your Sales Calls?by Scott Edinger | 11:00 AM March 5, 2013 http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2013/03/would_customers_pay_for_your_sales_calls.html When I speak to audiences of sales professionals and ask, "How many of you sell value versus price?" everyone raises their hand. But my next question "So how do you do that?" is frequently followed by an uncomfortable silence. Many consi..

[마케팅]사업을 위한 브랜딩 경험 : 책을 써라

MarketingA Branding Exercise for Your Business: Write a BookBy Steve McKee on February 22, 2013 http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-02-22/a-branding-exercise-for-your-business-write-a-book It’s easy to poke fun at the thousands of mediocre business books churned out annually. But planning a business book—regardless of whether it makes it to store shelves—is a useful exercise for business o..

[식품]벤처 캐피탈은 실험실에서 만든 친환경 식품에 대한 희망을 보고있다

Food ScienceVenture Capital Sees Promise in Lab-Created Eco-FoodsBy Brad Stone on January 24, 2013 http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-01-24/venture-capital-sees-promise-in-lab-created-eco-foods Nestled among Internet startups in the bustling South of Market neighborhood of San Francisco is an innovator of another sort. The year-old Hampton Creek Foods’ 2,400-square-foot office is home to ..

[경영]1인치 안에 무엇이 들어있을까? 서브웨이는 짧아졌다

Size MattersWhat's in an Inch? Subway Comes Up ShortBy Venessa Wong on January 18, 2013 http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-01-18/what-s-in-an-inch-subway-comes-up-short#r=nav-fs Don’t be so literal; the “Subway Footlong” is a registered trademark, not an actual measurement. So wrote Subway Australia on its Facebook page on Jan. 16, after customer Matt Corby’s photo of an 11-inch sub sandw..