Companies & Industries
Burger King Will Start DNA Testing for Horse Meat
By Venessa Wong on January 31, 2013
Just to be clear: Burger King (BKW) says there is no horse meat in its burgers. And just to make sure, Burger King tells Bloomberg Businessweek, it plans to test its beef patties for foreign DNA, including horse, pork, and lamb.
Details for DNA testing have not been worked out, and no timeline has been set for implementing the new procedures, says Diego Beamonte, Burger King’s vice president of global quality. Burger King will test specifically for equine DNA following revelations that food processor Silvercrest Foods sold beef products containing horse meat to other retailers, including Tesco (TESO). Both companies have severed ties with Silvercrest, and Tesco has also said it will do DNA testing on all of its meat products.
Burger King said in a statement today that while the beef it sent to a lab in Germany earlier this month tested negative for any equine DNA, it decided to drop Silvercrest after learning this week that a small percentage of beef the vendor had sold to the chain came from a non-approved supplier in Poland, rather than the 100 percent British and Irish beef patties it had undertaken to provide.
While samples taken from the Silvercrest plant contained equine DNA, Burger King says this product was never sold to its restaurants.
Here’s the full text of Burger King’s statement, as posted to PR Newswire:
We know there has been concern regarding one of our former suppliers, Silvercrest Foods, and we want to thank our guests for their patience and understanding while we completed our investigation.
You wanted answers and so did we.
Earlier this month, we were notified that Silvercrest was under investigation for potential contamination of some retail products. At that time, they were approved to supply 100% Irish and British beef patties for BURGER KING(R) restaurants in the UK, Ireland and Denmark.
Despite assurances from them that our products were not implicated, we immediately launched our own internal investigation, which included scientific testing, inspection of the Silvercrest facility and scrutiny of traceability records.
As we confirmed on 23rd of January, we transitioned all of our restaurants in the UK, Ireland and Denmark to other BURGER KING(R) approved suppliers from Germany and Italy as a precaution. These suppliers have provided DNA evidence to confirm their products are free of equine DNA. These are the product being sold in our restaurants today.
Following the conclusion of our investigation:
Our independent DNA tests results on product taken from BURGER KING(R) restaurants were negative for any equine DNA. However, four samples recently taken from the Silvercrest plant have shown the presence of very small trace levels of equine DNA. This product was never sold to our restaurants.
Within the last 36 hours, we have established that Silvercrest used a small percentage of beef imported from a non-approved supplier in Poland. They promised to deliver 100% British & Irish beef patties and have not done so. This is a clear violation of our specifications, and we have terminated our relationship with them.
Through our investigation, we have confirmed that this non-approved Polish supplier is the same company identified by the Irish Department of Agriculture as the source of Silvercrest’s contamination issue.
Diego Beamonte, vice president, Global Quality, Burger King Corporation, said, “While the Food Safety Authority of Ireland has stated that this is not a food safety issue, we are deeply troubled by the findings of our investigation and apologise to our guests, who trust us to source only the highest quality 100% beef burgers. Our supplier has failed us and in turn we have failed you. We are committed to ensuring that this does not happen again.
“We will dedicate ourselves to determining what lessons can be learned and what additional measures, including DNA testing and enhanced traceability controls, can be taken to ensure that we continue to provide you with the quality products you expect from us.”
We remain committed to identifying suppliers that can produce 100% pure Irish and British beef products for us that meet our high quality standards.
버거킹의 버거에는 말고기가 들어있지 않다며 말고기 DNA 검사를 할 계획이라고 한다. 식품 가공업체 Silvercrest Foods가 테스코와 같은 다른 유통업체에 말고기를 포함시켜 말고기를 판매했다는 폭로 이후에 말 DNA 검사를 실시할 것이라고 한다. 테스코와 버거킹은 Silvercrest Foods와 관계를 끊었고, 테스코도 DNA검사를 실시할 것이라고 한다. 이 달 초에 독일로 배송된 쇠고기는 말 DNA에 음성 반응이 나온 반면에, 제공하기로 했던 영국산과 아일랜드산 쇠고기 패티가 100%가 아니라 폴란드에 있는 검증되지 않은 공급업체로 부터 약간의 비율을 판매했다는 것을 알고 Silvercrest Foods를 찾아갔다고 버거킹은 오늘 말했다. Silvercrest Foods 공장에서 채취한 샘플은 말 DNA에 양성 반응이 나왔지만, 이를 버거킹에서 판매하지 않았다고 주장했다.
PR Newswire에 게재된 버거킹의 진술 : 이 달 초에, 우리는 Silvercrest 일부 소매 제품의 잠재적 오염에 대한 조사를 받고 있다고 통보받았고, 그 당시 Silvercrest 는 버거킹에 영국산 쇠고기 100% 패티를 공급하기로 했다. 즉시 내부 조사를 시작했고, 1월 23일에 예방 조치로 승인된 이탈리아와 독일 공급업체로 변경했다. 버거킹의 독립적인 조사 결과는 말 DNA에 음성으로 나타났다. 그러나 최근 Silvercrest 공장에서 채취한 4개의 샘플에서는 양성으로 나타났다. 지난 36시간 내에서, 우리는 Silvercrest가 승인되지 않은 폴란드 업체로부터 수입한 쇠고기의 작은 비율을 사용한다는 걸 입증하고 있다. 이는 명백한 위반이며, Silvercrest와 관계를 끊었다. 조사 결과, 승인되지 않은 폴란드 업체가 Silvercrest의 오염 문제의 원인으로 아일랜드의 농업부가 확인한 회사라는 것을 확인했다. 버거킹의 부사장 Diego Beamonte은 "아일랜드의 식품 안전 당국이 식품 안전 문제가 아니라는 것을 명시 반면 우리는 조사 결과로 걱정시키고 소스 만 최고 품질의 100 % 쇠고기 버거를 믿고 있는 손님들에게 죄송합니다."라고 말한다. 우리의 높은 품질 기준을 충족시키는 100 % 순수 아일랜드산, 영국산 쇠고기 제품을 생산할 수 있는 공급 업체를 식별하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있다.
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